The Purgatory is essentially a lottery application, embedded in a small 2D point-and-click adventure game. It is set in THE PURGATORY ~Inn~ located at the upper levels of Hell. Here you can play mini-games using RHT (the base token).

At the time of publication of the whitepaper, The Purgatory contains 3 mini-games that are carried out using the lottery principle. The number of mini-games can increase up to the launch of The Purgatory and only represents a first glance. Each game has its own independent prize and bet pools and allow players to have a solo or community experience.

In addition to the game application, The Purgatory is also an NFT project with its own complex NFTokenomic, which is linked to the games. The NFTs are not a prerequisite for being able to participate in the games, but only serve as an independent supplement to allow players to actively participate in the profits of the platform. They also enhance the gaming experience. In addition to passive income, some NFTs grant token rewards in the form of Soultokens, which are distributed with each game participation in the corresponding amount of the stake. The number of Soultokens that can be earned in this way is limited per day, as well as to a maximum number per NFT. In order to benefit from passive income, however, as the term "passive" already implies, no participation in the game is required. The Soultoken only serve as an additional source of income.

After completing the roadmap, The Purgatory is also available for further development. Creators, i.e. independent developers, can expand the application with their own mini-games and under their own conditions. The added mini-games are integrated into the already existing NFTokenomic.

Note: THE PURGATORY is currently under development and white paper content may change in the future. All visuals in the whitepaper are initial concept arts and are subject to change prior to game launch and NFT-Mint.

All smart contracts are on the Binance Smart Chain.

Story and atmosphere
