At THE PURGATORY there are various tokens and token systems that are used. The base token is the RHT, which is used to wager stakes or mint NFTs. There are also different NFTs with different properties and the Soultoken, ST, these are non-tradable tokens that can be credited to an NFT.


The profit of each game is divided between the winners (95%) and the NFT owners (4%). Also, 1% of each game's win goes into the RHT and supports it by burning RHT. The value that flows into the Soultoken is deducted from the 95% of the profit pool. The exact value depends on the game being played; the values for this can be taken from the chapter dealing with the games.

Payout per game:


Each NFT owner of THE PURGATORY has a 10% chance of participating in the payout of 4% of the respective winnings per game played; thus, each NFT of THE PURGATORY grants passive income to the owner. Additionally, 4% of the NFT Marketplace's 5% marketplace fee goes into the passive income pool, thereby also actively engaging NFT owners in marketplace trading. The proportion of this payout is calculated depending on the score of the NFTs, the Score Points (SP), which are calculated in total based on the rarity levels of the individual NFT parts. There are 4 different rarity levels: common, rar, legendary and creator. All four rarity levels have different properties.

General overview of the properties of the individual NFTs:

Properties Airdrop commonNFT minted commonNFT minted rarNFT minted legendaryNFT creatorNFT
passive income $✓$ $✓$ $✓$ $✓$ $✓$
loss of passive income function on RHT's first claim $✓$ $✓$
80% of the purchase price as a credit in the form of Soultoken $✓$
obtaining Soultokens by playing $✓$ (limited to1000) ✓ (limited to1000) $✓$
Score Points (base number 8-84) SP x 1 SP x 1 SP x 10 SP x 80 5000 SP

Theoretical commonness of each NFT part and the distribution of the score points for download
