All games are decentralized, i.e. even if the GameApp is not available, the games can be played through direct interaction with the SmartContracts. Depending on the game, the chances of winning for RHT are up to 50%. 99% of the stake goes into the liquidity pools and thus 99% goes into the wallets of the players (winner: 95% - share for Soultokenpool, varies slightly depending on the game) and NFT owners (4%). 1% of the winnings goes into the RHT per game by burning this portion.

Snail Race

On your marks, get set and now we're going to get slimed. In THE PURGATORY the hell snails play an important role. They are not only a secret delicacy among the regular guests for the dark brewed devilish beer, they also entertain the odd beer lovers at their drinking parties. Take part in the next round of snail racing. The rules are simple:

community game


The tough guys at THE PURGATORY play Solette, the variation on the Russian Rolette. Because here, the one who gets the bullet from the passed revolver wins. Luckily we are all in hell, i.e. nobody dies! Here, too, one starts the game and sets the stake. The winner takes it all!

Rules of the game: The revolver chamber in which the ball is located is determined at random and which chamber is hit just as randomly. If the bullet chamber and the chamber being struck are the same, then we have a winner. All bets collected so far go to the winner, except for 10%, which goes into the Soultoken pool. If the ball is hit in the first round, the winner gets his stake back plus the value of his stake in Soultoken.