
The application on the RHT website, is just an interface that puts a prettier mask over the smart contract to to convey minten and speeches more comprehensibly. No crypto assets are held, stored or disposed of in or through the Application. No private cryptographic keys are required to enable the user to mint and redeem. Minting and redeeming also takes place using the application directly in the contract itself Instructions for minting and redeeming directly in the SmartContract.

The minting process

  1. Conversion of the minting value into WEI

The value to be mined for RHT is e.g. 1000 BUSD. In the first step you need the value of 1000 BUSD in WEI. Choose any converter for the conversion, e.g. here and enter the value of 1000 BUSD in the form field for Ether.


Copy the output value at Wei to the clipboard.

  1. Debit Confirmation

Open BUSD's SmartContract

and paste the value saved on the clipboard in WEI into the form field "amount (uint256)" under 1. approve.

In the "spender (address)" form field, enter the contract address of the RaddixHodlToken: 0x90D5eb808e8463239262c0f476A2BF0f29B6811b